Mario Giammetti
Phil Collins –
The Singing Drummer
Edizioni Segno.
346 pages, 20 euro
Mario Giammetti did it again! The first Italian book dedicated to Phil
Collins is out now.
top class book (346 pages, 20 Euro) divided in three parts: biography,
appendix (the side projects) and discography.
The biographical part is about Phil's youth, his first bands, and his
joining to Flaming Youth and Genesis.
His experience with Banks & Co, however, is very short, as the book
focuses on his extraordinary solo career. Phil as a solo artist has sold
more than 100
millions records. Although the book is very far from gossip, Phil's
tormented sentimental life is also mentioned, being an absolutely
determining factor in
the development of his whole career. The strength of Mario's book, remains,
however, his critical analysis of the music.
The appendix, written by Enrico Geretto, concerns Phil's collaborations
and is titled "The Side World", which is a very complex world - as
everyone knows,
Phil has played on more than 100 other artists' records! This was the
source of many of uncontrolled rumours which have spread during the years.
manages here to put a bit of order in these rumours putting them on the
The book ends with an exhaustive discography where not only Phil and Brand
X records are detailed but also all his participations both on records and
videos (VHS and DVDs).
The book also features about 60 pictures, half of which are in colour.
Further information can be obtained at:
you want to order a copy of the book please send an e-mail to: